2021 New Year’s Resolutions Free Printable

I hope you had a great Christmas, despite the Corona virus pandemic! It’s that time of year again, with New Year’s Eve approaching very quickly. About this time I ask myself: What are my New Year’s resolutions for the new year? Then I write them down. Lets set your New Year’s resolutions and goals for 2021! It’s well known that you are more likely to achieve your goals, if you write them down a Harvard Business Study has found. Since I love printables and like to write my goals and resolutions down, I’ve created this free downloadable New Year’s resolution & goals printable to help you set your goals for 2021.

2021 New Year’s Resolution Printable
I’ve created it with each line starting with a single word prompt, for you to simply fill in your response of what you want to see manifest in in your life. Ever since I’ve decided to make every year a better year than last, I’ve achieved this by simply writing my goals and dreams down.
Reflecting on my last year
Before I set my goals for the next year, I always like to reflect on what I have achieved in the current year. Doing this motivates me to smash my goals the next year. Give it a go and try it.
This year in 2020, I have…
-Created this blog The Thrifty Island Girl during the first national lockdown, to help as people save and make money whether it’s to improve their quality of life, for a well-deserved vacation or to get out of debt.
– Helped my parents out more than I have the previous years with whatever they need help with, as they are getting older. They have done so much for me, so now I want to do the same for them.
-Learned a lot about the link between our mindset and the things we manifest in our life. I’ve read a lot of books but Secrets of the Millionaire Mind is the best book I’ve read on mindset and goal manifestation. You can listen to this book or a another book of your choice for free with a free 30 day Amazon Audible Trial. If you already have Amazon Prime, then you get to pick 2 free audiobooks with the free 30 day Trial.
-Moved into a nice house with lovely neighbors in the close.
-Applied my Feng Shui and crystal healing knowledge to my home, when I was decorating.
-Seen my best friend Iz more often than I did the year before, despite her living far away.
-Started to grow some vegetables and fruits in the garden, as part of my self-sufficiency and eco-friendly journey.
-Been featured on Isle of Wight Radio
-Been doing some filming for a documentary.
My resolutions and goals for the new year!

Start… & Be more…
Due to the corona virus pandemic, like most of us I have gained quiet a bit of weight. I was so used to my pre-pandemic routine which consisted of going to the gym daily once I have dropped my daughter off to school and eating a healthy low calorie diet. But since I had to homeschool during the first national lockdown, cook the things my little girl likes to eat etc., my usual routine was has hard to follow. Therefore for this year, I am determined to form a new workout routine and new eating habits to fit around the changes the pandemic has brought.
Some of you may know that I have an interest in Feng Shui, hence I have bought a pair of Fu Dogs for the entrance of my house and decorated my home using Feng Shui teachings. Since there is so much to learn about this topic still, I want to gain more knowledge in this field. Generally there is so much out there I want to learn and that I don’t know about, I have decided to learn something new every day to gain knowledge of things I did not know before.
I have been voluntarily helping out my dad a lot in his Hong Kong Express restaurants, as he was/is short on staff. However doing this and juggling my own work, looking after my little girl and doing my house chores as a single parent, this has burnt me out many times. I will still help my dad out occasionally, but will be saying NO sometimes too in order to look after my own health. I’ve been having having only 3-5 hours sleep per night for the last 3 months due to this, which has affected my health, weight and productivity! So for this year I will be looking after myself more. Self-care is very important for out mind and body!
This year I want to share positivity with as many people as possible, as I believe the more positive our mindset is the more positive things we will attract into our life. I also will continue sharing tips and tricks to save money, ways to become a little bit more eco-friendly and self-sufficient on this blog to help people save money and save our planet without having to make any big sacrifices.
As mentioned above, I have been burnt out several times the past few months. Therefore I will make sure that I won’t overwork myself and start saying NO more often to look after my own wellbeing.
This year I want to read more books on forming positive habits and positive mindset. Since I really like the book: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by Harv Eker, I want to read it again to refresh my mind. Other books I will be reading in the next year include: Contagious: Why Things Catch On & Mindset:The New Psychology Of Success.
Once the travel restrictions ease, I will visit my last living grandmother in China, as she very old and already not feeling too good. She has a cyst in her brain and I don’t know how long she has left. My daughter Yasmin loves traveling and exploring the world. Since she is a well travelled little girl, she is used to going on trips abroad every year. Since we haven’t been out of the country due to the pandemic this year, she wants to go to Hawaii in the next year. So I am hoping to grant her wish for the next year.
What are your New Year’s resolutions and goals for next year? I’d love to know, why not comment in the comment section below?