Forget New Year’s Resolutions, instead set Goals!

Happy New Year!
I hope you and your family had an awesome Christmas and a fantastic start to the new year!
Though my little girl Yas has been ill with flu for a while just just before Christmas, we had a wonderful Christmas with the family. Spending time with the whole family has always been very rare for us, however this makes it even more special when we do get together. Now my other half Oliver and I have caught the flu from Yas and are still recovering. Anyways it’s that time of year again, with many of us eager to set New Year’s resolutions.

New Year’s Resolutions or New Year’s Goals?
Usually I ask myself: What are my New Year’s resolutions of the new year? Then I start jotting them down. However this year, I’ve decided to set New Year’s goals instead of New Year’s resolution after reading an article on Forbes that my partner has shared with me. According to a study 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail around the beginning of February. A Harvard Business Study has also found that you are more likely to achieve your goals, if you write them down.
2022 New Year’s Resolution and New Year’s Goals Printable
Last year I’ve designed a FREE downloadable New Year’s resolution & goals printable to help you set your goals. This year, I’ve created a Free downloadable Year at a Glance printable to help you set your New Year’s goals or resolutions for 2022. I’ve created it with a blank box for each month of the year, simply fill in your goal you want see manifest in your life in the month you set yourself a target. Make sure you set yourself SMART goals. I hear you say what are SMART goals? SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant & Time frame.
Reflecting on my last year
Before I set my goals for the new year, I always like to reflect on what I have achieved in the year just gone. Doing this motivates me to smash my goals this year. Give it a go and try it.
In 2021, I have…
-Blogged for a whole year. The Thrifty Island Girl turned 1 year old in July 2021 and am so happy that I’m able to help so many people save money whether it’s to improve their quality of life, for a well-deserved holiday or to get out of debt.
– Done My first Isle of Wight Ultra Challenge charity walk and raised money for Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children (GOSH). This was my first ever charity walk and I really enjoyed it!
– Visualised and manifested the man of my dreams. I highly recommend the book “The Secret” this taught me how to visualise and manifest the things I would like in life. You can also listen to this for free as an audiobook via Audible.
– Managed to get loads of freebies such as drinks and foods through apps. Find out how: Free groceries & save £100s when you shop online!
– Donated some long life foods and drinks to my local food bank to help people in need of food.
– Recycled lots of old clothing to charities and via shops such as H&M. Find out How to get £5 off your H&M shop every time! by recycling textiles.
– visited my cousin in Nottingham who I’ve not see for a long time. That was also my first time visiting Nottingham.
– Done something right as my daughter received all purples in her school report. Am a very proud mummy.
– Collaborated with some business and reviewed their products. Which I really enjoyed.
– Changed all my not so nice Christmas baubles to glass baubles. I love how my Christmas tree will look very expensive but it only cost me a fraction of the price. I’ve bought about £60 worth of glass baubles from The Range during the Boxing Day Sales. If I had bought them from retailers such as John Lewis, this would have cost me over £600! I love a good bargain!
My goals for the new year!
Be more self-sufficient
I’d am planning to plant more vegetables and fruits this year to be more self-sufficient. I will be making a seasonal fruit and veg plan in order to see what I can plant and harvest during winter, spring, summer and autumn. By doing so, I’ll then be able to further reduce the cost of our grocery shopping.
Do more Collaborations
I’ve really enjoyed doing some collaborations with local and international businesses. Collaborations are fun as you get to try different products and services you’ve never tried or even heard of before. While testing and reviewing something I always learn something new and interesting. I’m hoping to do at least 5 collabs this year.
Give up Ebay
I’ve been buying stock and selling on Ebay for quiet some time and have really enjoyed it. However Ebay has made many changes its listing procedure. I was able to list about 100 items in an hour in the past. Now with the changes over the years, more item specifics have been added and needing to be selected or filled out. This made listing items on Ebay a long and daunting task. Due to this I can list about 5 to 10 items in an hour. Therefore I’ll be creating lots of bundles of the stock I have left and sell them cheaply together rid of everything before I give up selling on Ebay completely.
Get into a routine
Since my routines have been messed up for quiet some time, I am planning to slowly get back into routine. Ive been going to sleep very late and waking up late. I’m aiming to got to bed at 10pm and wake up 6am daily to ensure I get enough sleep. My meal times have also been all over the place which resulted in me eating a lot of junk like chocolates, biscuits and sweets. This of course let me top gain a lot of weight. Therefore I need to set specific times to have breakfast, lunch and dinner. I need to also create a work time table for myself, so that I procrastinate less and don’t burn myself out. I have also not been to the gym for a few months, which I am planning to start again very soon.
Lately I’ve noticed there are so many items around the house that I haven’t been using for a long time. I will be going through each room and look what’s in the wardrobes, drawers and cup boards and decide whether things need to go or not. By doing a decluttering exercise, I’ll be creating more space around my home and appreciate the things I do use more I believe. The things I no longer need or what, I’ll put them up for sale to get some money out of it or donate to a charity shop.
Donate more regularly
I’ve made some donations to my local food bank last year and am hoping to make more regular donations this year. I aim to donate something once per week to help the community.
Charity walk
Since I’ve enjoyed the Isle of Wight Ultra Challenge so much last year, I want to do another walk to raise money for a charity again. I’m still undecided whether it will be another Isle of Wight Ultra Challenge or whether I’ll be doing the Walk the Wight charity walk for Mountbatten Hospice.