How to get a free £50 voucher via the Fix Your Bike Scheme!

The Government recently started offering free £50 bike repair vouchers to anyone in England. The aim of the scheme is to tackle obesity & improve people’s fitness levels, as our country is coming out of the lockdown. I got a little annoyed, because my dad just got 2 of our bikes fixed about a week ago. So he had to pay to get both the bikes fix. If I had known, I would have told him to wait. Then to use this scheme to get the bikes fixed for free. If you have a bike sitting in the garage or shed that needs fixing, then now is the time to do it! Each household can claim up to 2 vouchers!
The vouchers have currently run out, but more will be gradually released. These are so popular since the Department of Transport has launched the scheme on Tuesday 28th July 2020. All available vouchers have gone within 24 hours!
How to claim your free voucher
First you’ll have to find a Fix your Bike Voucher Scheme –registered bike mechanic to repair your bike. Find one by checking on the Energy Saving Trust’s map. I know Halfords have signed up to repair bikes, if there is one near you.
Then apply for a £50 voucher, also on the Energy Saving Trust website once more vouchers become available. So it’s always good to keep an eye out, as these are so popular.
Once you got the voucher, take your bike to your chosen Fix your Bike participating bike shop or pop up stall and use the voucher to cover up to £50 of the total cost od the repair.
Voila, enjoy your bike ride!
If you know of any friends and family members that may have a bike, please do share this article with them, so that they too can make the most of the free voucher towards their bike repair.
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