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7 Best Low Maintenance Houseplants For The Forgetful Ones

16 Best Low Maintenance Houseplants For The Forgetful Ones - The Thrifty Island Girl

For someone who forgets that they have houseplants, I’m proud to say that my plants are thriving.

How many times have you bought pretty houseplants, only to find it dying after a few weeks? Well that used to be me as well.

My mother always had beautiful, exotic indoor plants in the house and a magnificent garden. With a green thumb mum, I thought if she can do it, so could I. So when I first moved out to study in London, I bought lot’s of flowering houseplants to add some life to the living space. As you can guess they all died about a month later. The same thing happened when I moved back to the Isle of Wight into my first flat.

Things are very different now. Being a busy mummy, having to juggle house chores, work and looking after my daughter, I’m surprised and happy that all my plants are still thriving after so many years. I have to admit, if I had high maintenance plants, I’d still forget to water them. Therefore choosing plants that would forgive you for forgetting them is the way to go.

Here I’ll be sharing which easy to care, low maintenance indoor plants I recommend and the benefits of having plants in indoor spaces.

Benefits of houseplants backed by Science

Benefits of indoor plants backed by Science - 7 Best Low Maintenance houseplants For The Forgetful Ones- The Thrifty Island Girl

Many people are drawn to greenery, even if they don’t have plants. Here are 3 benefits indoor plants provide according to science. Sorry, artificial plants unfortunately do not provide these benefits.

1. Reduces psychological & physiological stress

A 2015 study by the Journal of Physiological Anthropology found that plants in your office or home can reduce both psychologica & physiological stresses.

2. Increases productivity & sharpens attention

The Journal of Environmental Horticulture found that plants can enhance memory retention, productivity, creativity and self esteem.

Where as another study published by the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health indicates that having real plants boosts concentration and attentiveness. Unfortunately the study also shows that artificial plastic plants don’t have the same effect on us.

3. May improve indoor air quality

A study by published in 2011 revealed that houseplants are great at filtering air through a process called photosynthesis. While plants photosynthesis carbon dioxide in the air, soil and water will be absorbed by the plant and oxygen released as a by-product. Additionally plants can remove toxins from the air such as formaldehyde, which is released by many household products such as some varnishes and paints, some foam insulations,paper products and pressed woods. Formaldehyde is a carcinogen, which means it can cause cancer. Thankfully the very same study showed that plants are effective at removing this toxin from the air.

Benefits of low-maintenance houseplants

Easy to care for indoor plants -7 Best Low Maintenance Houseplants For The Forgetful Ones - The Thrifty Island Girl

Now that we know the scientific benefits of having plants in our office or home, let’s look at the benefits of the “low maintenance houseplants” specifically instead of plants in general. Obviously we will still benefit from the health benefits above, these are just some additional benefits of having the low-maintenance indoor plants.

1. Low Cost

Since these type of plants don’t need to be watered often, you’ll save a little bit on water your water bill. Want to save more on your water bill? Check out these 20 ways to save money on your water bill!

2. Easy To Care

These low-maintenance indoor plants thrive on neglect and add life to any room at the same time. If you are like me and forget to water your plants regularly, these are the perfect type of plants for you too. My houseplants only need to be watered once a month.

3. More Time

Since you won’t need to water them often, you’ll have more time to do other things. Though it only takes me 10 minutes to water all the plants in my home, if I had to do this twice weekly, that would be 80 mins of my time per month. As I only have to water my plants once per month, this frees 70 minutes of my time per month.

7 Best Low Maintenance Houseplants

Here are 7 hard to kill plants for the forgetful among us. These plants are so low-maintenance that they thrive and forgive you for forgetting them.

Money Plant ( Carassula Ovata )

The Money Plant also known as Jade Plant, is an iconic houseplant. Low maintenance indoor plants - Lei Hang - The Thrifty Island Girl

The Money Plant also known as Jade Plant, is an iconic houseplant and a popular choice of the many Carassula type succulents. This plant is strongly used in Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese traditional practice which uses energy forces to harmonise an individual and their surrounding environment. It’s believed that the Jade Plant releases a vibrant energy of growth. Hence specific placement of this plant in a home, office or shop is chosen to hopefully to reflect its growing energy in the individuals bank account.

This is one of the best starter plants, Jade plants are very resilient and adaptable.

Being Chinese and having a strong interest in Feng Shui, I have a total of 3 money plants in the home with my biggest one being in my home office. I had most of these 4 years now and they are all doing very well.

Money Plant Care Tips:


Bright indirect, natural sunlight, but also does well in slightly darker places.

If placed in harsh, direct sunlight, the leaves may turn dark purple. When this happens, simply move the plant to a slightly darker area and the leaves gradually will turn green again.


During the winter water once a month. During warmer months, wait for the soil to dry out before watering again. Jade plants does not like being constantly over watered.


Money plants are poisonous to cat and dogs. To humans this plant is mildly toxic and causes diarrhoea and an upset stomach if digested.

Aloe Vera ( Aloe Barbadensis )

Aloe vera plant care tips -7 Best Low Maintenance Houseplants For The Forgetful Ones - The Thrifty Island Girl

Aloe Vera is another popular choice of houseplants that doesn’t need much care. This plant thrives on neglect and isn’t keen on too much attention. If you have a busy lifestyle, aloe is the perfect for you.

It’s also very popular, due to the Aloe Vera Gel that can be found inside its leaves. Aloe Vera Gel is often used to treat burns and ingested to support the health of the digestive system.

Aloe Vera Care Tips:


Bright indirect, natural sunlight, but also does well in slightly darker places.


Water once a month. Make sure soil dries out completely between watering.


Aloe Vera is poisonous to cat and dogs.

ZZ Plant ( Zamioculcas Zamiifolia )

ZZ Plant care tips -7 Best Low Maintenance Houseplants For The Forgetful Ones - The Thrifty Island Girl

The ZZ plant make an ideal starter plant for anyone that is often away from home or as forgetful as myself.

The first time I saw a ZZ plant, was when I first visited my other half in London. I immediately fell in love with this plant. I’m planning to get one for my kitchen area soon, as this plant thrives in low light.

If you want an unique looking ZZ plant have a look at the black version called ZZ Raven.

ZZ Plant Care Tips:


Low to medium light conditions. Avoid south facing windows.


Water once a month. Make sure soil dries out completely between watering.


ZZ plant is poisonous to cat and dogs.

Snake plant ( Sansevieria )

Snake Plant how to care for -7 Best Low Maintenance Houseplants For The Forgetful Ones - The Thrifty Island Girl

Snake plant also known as “Mother-In-Law’s Tongue” is the perfect plant for you if you have a room that doesn’t get much sunlight and you can’t remember to water plant regularly or travel frequently.

This plant does equally well in spaces with bright, indirect sunlight. It’s such a popular choice of houseplants, because of its near indestructible qualities.

Snake Plant Care Tips:


Low to medium light conditions.


Water once a month. Make sure soil dries out completely between watering.


Snake plants are poisonous to cat and dogs. To humans this plant is mildly toxic and causes diarrhoea, vomiting and an upset stomach if digested.

Lucky Bamboo ( Dracaena Sanderiana )

Lucky bamboo easy to look after plants -7 Best Low Maintenance Houseplants For The Forgetful Ones - The Thrifty Island Girl

Want an easy plant that doesn’t even need to be repotted? Then the lucky bamboo is the perfect plant for you! As long as it has water in the vase, you can for get about this plant for months.

Asians often have lucky bamboo in their home as part of their Fung Shui practice. It’s believed that different numbers of lucky bamboo stalks represent different types of luck in Chinese traditions:

  • Two stalks represent love.
  • Three stalks represent happiness, wealth and long life.
  • Five stalks represents wealth.
  • Six stalks represent good luck and wealth.
  • Seven stalks represent good health.
  • Eight stalks represent growth.
  • Nine stalks represent great luck.
  • Ten stalks represent perfection.
  • Twenty-one stalks represent a powerful blessing.

Currently I have 2 stalks in my bedroom and 7 stalks in my living room. I had my Lucky Bamboo stalks for 5 years and they still look strong and healthy. Though it’s recommended to change the water every 2 months, there were times I haven’t changed the water for 3-4 months and they are still thriving.

Lucky Bamboo Care Tips:


Medium light conditions. Lucky Bamboo doesn’t like harsh sunlight and no light conditions. If there is too much light or too little light, the leaves with turn pale green.


Water once a month. Make sure soil dries out completely between watering.


Lucky Bamboo stalks are mildly poisonous to cat and dogs. To humans this plant is also mildly toxic if digested.

Cactus ( Cactaceae )

Cactus care tips -7 Best Low Maintenance Houseplants For The Forgetful Ones - The Thrifty Island Girl

Cacti are part of the succulent family and don’t like to be over watered. These are very forgiving houseplants. Cacti come in many different shapes and sizes.

I love to have a flowering cactus, but since I have a little girl, I’ll wait till she is a bit older first.

Cacti Care Tips:


Most cacti love being in direct sunlight.


Change the water once every 2 months.


Some but not all cacti poisonous to cat, dogs and humans

Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema )

Chinese ever green plant care tips -7 Best Low Maintenance Houseplants For The Forgetful Ones - The Thrifty Island Girl

Chinese Evergreen are an ideal beginner plant and look pretty in homes and workplaces. Since Chinese Evergreen plants grow very slowly, these very infrequently need to be repotted, saving you even more time. Another plus is this plant thrives in any light condition.

Chinese Evergreen Care Tips:


Light, medium or bright sunlight.


This plant likes moist soil. Water once every 3 weeks during the winter and twice to once weekly during the summer


These are poisonous to cat, dogs and humans

Tips to keep the plants alive & thriving

I strongly advise to stick to plants with similar needs. The plants I currently have all need to be watered once per month during the winter months and every other week during the warmer months.

Set a watering reminder on the phone. I find this very helpful, as I won’t remember to even water my plants monthly without my reminder on my phone. Since I got a Alexa Show for Christmas from my other half, I just remembered that I need to set watering reminders on it too in case I’m not near my phone.

Keep plants in sight, I know this sounds so obvious… but I found if I got plants in corners I seem to totally forget about them.