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Would you ditch your car for £3000 travel credit?

Lei Hang sitting in a black Audi Q7 S-line, wearing a navy blue floral dress with black sandal heels. Will she swap her car for a £3000 per year mobility credit to become more eco-friendly?
Me in the Audi Q7

Motorists could claim up to £3000 per year of greener travel credit for ditching their old petrol or diesel car for greener travel options, The Times has reported. The pilot programme will be run by Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) and funded by the government through the £22 million “future transport” initiative. This comes after our Prime Minister Boris Johnson has planned to ban the sale of new diesel and petrol cars after 2030, which is part of the PM’s “green industrial revolution” plan to fight against global warming.

The aim of the trial scheme is to reduce congestions in cities and decrease UK’s carbon footprint. This will also improves air quality and tackle climate change. There are plans to launch a trial of the scheme in Coventry, this coming spring first. According to The Times, the trial could be rolled out to more parts of the UK, but nothing has been confirmed.

How does the mobility credit work?

Eligible candidates will receive between £1500 to £3000 worth of transport credit for ditching their car. Instead it encourages people to use environmentally environmentally sustainable and congestion easing alternatives. How the exact amount awarded will be worked out, is still unknown. However we know there are plans of using the credit via a payment car and/or smartphone app.

The transport credit can be used on eco-friendly options such as public transport, bicycles, electric car hires, car clubs, e-scooters and taxis.

Eligibility for the transport credit

The scheme targets car owners in cities with diesel cars made before 2016 and petrol cars built before 2006. At the moment volunteers can sign up to take part in the trial if they are based in Coventry.

If you are not eligible but still want to save money on your car expenses and save the planet, have a look at my article:

21 ways to reduce your cars fuel consumption & save!

My thoughts on the greener transport scheme

Lei Hang standing in a black Audi Q7 S-line. Could the thrifty island girl give up her car for a £3000 travel credit funded by the government?

I believe the scheme to reduce car dependency to reduce congestion and lower air pollution in cities is great. This would could save many commuters a lot of money and tackle global warming at the same time. Hence in my opinion it’s a win/win situation.

When I was living in London for 5 years, I had a car but left at mum’s house. I didn’t need my car as the tube and buses were so regular. I never had to wait more than 5 minutes. What I liked about the public transport in London is that I was never late. Especially with the tube you know you wont be stuck in traffic unlike traveling by car or bus. At the time I used to have an annual season travel pass from zone 1-6. I remember at that time the student season pass was about £1200 for a year. I was using it daily. multiple times. If I had my car with me, the yearly running costs of the car would have been far more expensive. If I was was still living in London, I would definitely ditch my car in exchange for the travel credit.

Would I ditch my car, living on the Isle of Wight?

If such scheme was made available on the isle, I personally wouldn’t favor public transport over having a car. This is because the buses don’t run as regular as in cities such as London here. I often hear of buses not even turning up or being very late here. In some parts of the island, busses only running hourly. If the bus fare wasn’t so expensive and if the buses were a lot more regular, I would definitely reduce my car use. Due to my little girl Yas having Chiari Malformation & Syringomyelia, I often have to travel to the hospital. She has regular check up appointments on the mainland and occasionally needs to be taken in to hospital for emergency. To make her travel more comfortable as she is unable to stand and walk for a long period of time I prefer taking her in the car.

What’s your thoughts on this scheme? Would you ditch your car? Comment below to share your thoughts.