Drop and Swap Ryde, Isle of Wight

We all know that having children can be very expensive, especially when they have frequent growth spurts and require new clothing or new toys to help the child with their development or to keep them entertained. But it doesn’t have to cost a fortune, with the help of the Drop and Swap!
The Drop & Swap in Ryde is a service based on the Isle of Wight for anyone to use to shop for pre-loved clothing, toys, baby items such as prams and cots, books for free that parents or their friends and family need, as well as donate their outgrown or unwanted clothes, toys, books and baby equipment. The two lovely volunteers who run the clothing exchange are very welcoming and helpful.

I like donating Yasmins, mine and my family’s items, that we no longer use, because it frees up lots of space at home, helps the environment by producing less waste on landfills and helps other families. My daughter and I love an occasional treasure hunt and get some bits and bobs from there for ourselves, friends and family. It can be a fun and free activity with the kids as well as save you lots of money and safe the environment by reusing items!
It is worth popping in every now and then, as people are always donating lots of things. Everyone is welcome and you don’t have to be a parent.

Items that can be dropped and taken include:
- Baby girls and boys clothes
- Kids boys and girls clothes
- Women’s clothing
- School Uniform
- Men’s clothing
- Moses Basket
- Toys
- Prams
- Blankets
- Sterilizers
- Baby Baths
- Bedding
- Bottles
- Cots
- Books
- DVDs & CDs
- Baby walkers
- School Uniform
- Potty
- Hand bags
- home decor
- Maternity wear
- Shoes
- Dressing up costumes

Building 10, Oakvale, Ryde, Isle of Wight, PO33 1FP
Opening Hours
Monday 9:30 am – 10:30 am
Friday 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm

Follow the Drop & Swap on Facebook
If you are interested in saving some money on school uniform or stationary, have a look at my article: 32 Back to School money saving shopping tips