Drivers to be banned from scrolling on a mobile from 2022

What does the current law say about mobile phone use while driving?
Under the current UK laws drivers are banned from using their mobile to text or make phone calls while driving. The only exception is to make a phone call in an emergency.
Planned changes to use of mobiles while driving
As part of government crackdown on road safety, the Department for Transport (DfT) has announced it’s plans to strengthen existing laws. The change is to make the use of hand-held phones while driving illegal. Therefore it will make it easier for police to prosecute drivers using a phone behind the wheel. The Highway Code will be amended to state that the use of mobile phones at traffic lights and in traffic jams will also be illegal.
How to use your mobile phone safely and legally while driving
You can still use a mobile phone while driving if the device is being used ‘hands-free’. Such as using the sat-nav while the mobile phone is secured in a phone car mount.
Phones calls can still be answered legally when paired to the car via hands free bluetooth. Some cars have this feature built in in the car, but hands free bluetooth can be also easily installed.
Motorists must take responsible of their driving even with the use of hands-free. Police can still prosecute a driver despite the use of hands-free if seen not in proper control of their vehicle.
Planning to buy a hands-free kit or phone mount for your car? Check out How to save £100s shopping with Cashback sites!
When will the new law come in force?
The new law will come in force from 2022. From next year drivers will be also banned from scrolling through playlists, take photos or videos and play games on mobile phones and tablets.
What is the penalty for using a mobile phone when driving from 2022?
Driver caught using their mobiles while driving will face a £200 fixed penalty notice and 6 points on their driving license.